Monday, February 13, 2006

history :: Uberlinguastreaker

Sydney-based artist Mashy P relates a tale about the travails of DJing, this time at inner-city Melbourne's home of Uber Lingua:

"I was playing the St Jeromes venue in central Melbourne the other night, having just flown into town. Got myself a beer and settled into a set behind the decks. I started playing some latinesque dance tunes, when this dreadlocked guy came up to me, armed with a quick succession of 'up yours' fingered salutes. I said "whats up" and he started ranting about a guy with a Led Zeppelin T-shirt - who from what I could gather didn't like the selection. I saw the Zep shirt dude sitting in the venue, and he seemed happy enough. Trying to humour the guy, I suggested the T-shirt wearer perhaps was donning the top as a trendy retro thing, maybe he wasnt really into Led Zep. On this he said "well at least you talk" - and with further 'up yours' gestures he dissapeared into the crowd. I was forgetting about the incident, when he returned stark naked about 10 minutes later. He came up to the booth and said, "This is because of the Led Zeppelin T Shirt" - before being escorted out of the venue by a security guard, confused smiles and raised eyebrows abound."


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